We are building an Alliance for Rapid Transition and are looking for organisations who share our goals. If you agree with this pledge, please fill out the short form below to be considered for membership. Membership of the Rapid Transition Alliance is free.

As members of the Rapid Transition Alliance:
- We acknowledge that we are living in a uniquely challenging moment and understand that more of the same won’t get us out of the mess we are in
We believe that our lifestyles and economies must operate within known planetary ecological boundaries.
- We believe that current measures to tackle climate change are not remotely in line with the action demanded by climate science in terms of scale or speed of necessary action. And, because of this, that rapid transitions are called for, aligned to the globally agreed target of preventing global warming beyond 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels.
- We believe that rapid shifts in behaviour to become sustainable are not only necessary but possible, and can bring broad benefits.
- We think it is vital and urgent to learn lessons from times and places, current and historical, where rapid transitions have taken place, and in a manner that is fair and demonstrably respects and upholds social justice.
- We are part of a broad and growing alliance of people and organisations wanting to learn and share in order to lay new paths for progress, built on foundations of evidence-based hope.
- We understand that everyone has something to offer on the journey, and that we all have a role to play in shaping it.
- We know we don’t have all of the answers, but will question many things that have so far been taken for granted, and will keep experimenting until we get it right.
- We recognise that the time for action is now.
We pledge that we will:
- Commit to suggest or provide at least one case study, written or for further research, to share with the Alliance every twelve months and share our work at a gathering (real or online) of members of the Alliance.
- Share as widely as possible any examples of evidence-based hope about rapid transitions.
- Work actively to encourage shifts towards sustainable behaviour.
- Work to bring to the attention of policy makers and other influential people the precedents and current potential for rapid transitions.
- Embark on rapid transitions within our own organisations and share our learning.
- Participate actively in the Alliance wherever possible – by suggesting or providing stories, sharing news and initiatives, helping to promote events and showing up to them too.