Active networks for global-to-local rapid transition
Meet the active networks working from the bottom up
It’s too easy to get depressed by the daily news cycle of wars and the threat of A.I., and to assume...
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Active networks for global-to-local rapid transition
Meet the active networks working from the bottom up
It’s too easy to get depressed by the daily news cycle of wars and the threat of A.I., and to assume...
Local food for rapid transitionAs a nature-loving child growing up in the 2000s, I was debilitated and depressed by the idea that we could either save species and ecosystems, or provide a...
COP15: lion or lamb, phoenix or dodo?“Biodiversity is fundamental to human well-being and a healthy planet, and economic prosperity for all people. Including for living well in balance and in...
Given Half a Chance: Ten Ways to Save the WorldEnvironmentalist Edward Davey’s new book, Given Half a Chance: Ten Ways to Save the World shows how little it would take to set a rapid transition in...