Reset series
Getting creative beats consumerismFinding pleasure in play, culture and experience rather than the false promise of shopping for more ‘stuff’, is a potentially big, positive step for...
We have built a collection of resources that show what kind of changes are possible, how people can help to shape them and what conditions can make them happen. All of our resources are released under a creative commons license so they are free to use and share. We love to hear how our resources are being used so do get in touch if have any queries or suggestions.
The Reset series explores the lessons from the global pandemic on two vital areas for rapid transition: overconsumption and unnecessary travel. Our set of downloadable short briefings, webinars and short film series, focus on the period we are living through for scalable, rapid change and provide evidence-based hope for the future.
Find out moreFor several months we have asked for people to share their experiences of lockdown and see what lessons you might have for bringing about a rapid transition, and living happier, more caring and less polluting lives. We created a set of free to use, unbranded briefings and animations on three emerging themes: how we can look after each other better as societies, how more space for people and nature can be found, and how those who already have enough can thrive with less ‘stuff’.
Find out moreWe are delighted to share with you our pocket book of evidence-based hope. It is packed full of examples of how rapid transition has happened in the past and how it can inspire climate action in the future. It's free, downloadable and fits into most regular sized pockets!
Find out moreReset series
Getting creative beats consumerismFinding pleasure in play, culture and experience rather than the false promise of shopping for more ‘stuff’, is a potentially big, positive step for...
From emergency declarations to practical action: how will rapid transition happen locally?Here is a quick guide to some of the emerging resources and initiatives focused on practical support and guidance to sub-national authorities WEBINAR: From...
Fossil-Fuel Subsidies Must EndBy Geoffrey Supran, Peter Erickson, Doug Koplow, Michael Lazarus, Peter Newell, Naomi Oreskes, Harro van Asselt on February 24, 2020 Despite claims...
Football and the climate emergency – RMC Sport video by London correspondent Johan HonnetThis short video was made for French TV station, RMC Sport by their London correspondent Johan Honnet. It features Rapid Transition Coordinator Andrew Simms...
Reset series
Finding the nature cureFrom tree-lined streets becoming places of refuge, to wildlife re-emerging in cities and new calls for equal access to green space, the pandemic brought us...
Fiddling while the planet burns? COP25 in perspectiveWith fires, storms, social protests, and climate strikes sweeping the world, 2019 should have been a tipping point in how the world responds to global...
Reset series
Cutting energy comes homeThe concept of trying to reduce our energy footprint took root strongly during the pandemic as people stranded at home saw their energy use and bills soar...
Crisis conversations – Reset #4: time, work and sharing economic benefitsA decade of economic hardship seemed to have transformed for increasingly urban workforces the promise of shorter working weeks and better work – life...
Crisis conversations – Reset #3: thriving places to liveQuieter streets, cleaner air, more time – amidst the human tragedy of the Covid-19 outbreak other experiences are inviting people to ask more of the...