Rapid Transition #2 – An online exhibitionThe Rapid Transition Alliance invited British artist and former winner of the Jerwood National Sculpture Prize, Judith Dean to curate a online exhibition...
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Rapid Transition #2 – An online exhibitionThe Rapid Transition Alliance invited British artist and former winner of the Jerwood National Sculpture Prize, Judith Dean to curate a online exhibition...
Real climate leadership means ending finance for fossil fuelsIf the UK is going to be a good host for COP26 and pave the way for rapid transition, its climate policies need to be more coherent – and it could start...
Squaring urgency and equity in the just transition debateIs it possible to accelerate transitions in inclusive ways? Can rapidity be squared with attending to questions of equity and social justice? The question...
Stop the clock: working less to address the climate crisisIn the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, climate campaigners have reignited calls for a ‘green jobs revolution’ to simultaneously address rising levels of...
Sustainable energy policy in Germany: A case of natural gas lock-inA new Working Paper from STEPS Summer School alumni seeks to explain why (and how) natural gas has assumed such a dominant role in German energy policy,...
The business of rapid transitionBusiness represents the great paradox of rapid transition. On the one hand, much is expected of business in terms of technological innovation, new models of...
The need and opportunity for green recovery & why we need ecological interest ratesIf the Chancellor can get his carbon sums right, he can help save the economy and the climate together – the CEE Bill and an ecological interest rate...
Time to mobilise like we mean itExcerpt from A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency by Seth Klein Lessons from the Second World War have guided our pandemic response....
What do the world’s fastest transitions to low carbon power and transport have in common?Norway is making the world’s fastest transition to zero emissions road transport. Over half of all cars sold in the country are electric vehicles (EVs),...