Storytelling plays a crucial role in how we share knowledge and learn about the world around us. Not only do stories teach us about life, they can also inspire us, fuel our imaginations and encourage us to act.
We are collecting stories of change to share and demonstrate how rapid transition has happened in the past, remove excuses for inaction and show the way ahead.
Transformative changes are called for to prevent climate breakdown and create the conditions for people to thrive together. These types of large scale, rapid changes can seem difficult to achieve but through our storytelling, we aim to show that this type of rapid transition is not only possible but has also been done before in many different ways.
The Reset series explores the lessons from the global pandemic on two vital areas for rapid transition: overconsumption and unnecessary travel. Our set of downloadable short briefings focus on the period we are living through for scalable, rapid change – evidence-based hope for the future.
Find out moreStory of change
Future homes: the rapid rise, fall, and return of UK social housingHousing is the ‘crucial backdrop’ to poverty in the United Kingdom according to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human...
Story of change
Back from the brink: how the world rapidly sealed a deal to save the ozone layerAs a chorus of questions rises about whether the world can act quickly enough to prevent climate breakdown, one lesson from recent history suggests rapid...
Story of change
Taiwan’s Transition – from Garbage Island to Recycling LeaderThe world’s mountain of waste is growing, but one country once known as ‘Garbage Island’ has revolutionised its approach and rapidly reduced waste,...
Story of change
When everything changed: the US & UK economies in World War IIBoth the United States and the United Kingdom has within living memory gone through a period of very rapid transition in terms of a huge reduction in the...
Story of change
Shine On: Solar power is eclipsing coal, oil, gas and nuclear energy with rapid growth and cost reductionsA heatwave across Europe was a reminder of the dangers of climate breakdown, but also of the enormous opportunities for tapping into the clean renewable...
Story of change
Tackling drought in Kenya: livestock insurance policy to help pastoralists beat climate changeIncorporating the views of communities that are often at the bottom of the pyramid, and whose voices are rarely heard in sustainability strategies is key to...
Story of change
Fly me to the moon – we did that in 8 years, so can we stop climate change in 10?When faced with adversity, or just extreme challenges, humanity is capable of doing remarkable things, and has repeatedly done so. People collaborate,...
Story of change
Adblocking – the global cities clearing streets of advertising to promote human and environmental healthAdvertising fuels consumerism and overconsumption. One graphic representation of how much we are living beyond our environmental means is that in 2019, the...
Story of change
Iceland – independent economic policy, holding finance accountable and experimenting with local democracyIn 2019 Iceland is in the news for erecting a memorial plaque to its glacier, known as Okjökull, or Ok, which shrank so much due to the raised temperatures...