Storytelling plays a crucial role in how we share knowledge and learn about the world around us. Not only do stories teach us about life, they can also inspire us, fuel our imaginations and encourage us to act.
We are collecting stories of change to share and demonstrate how rapid transition has happened in the past, remove excuses for inaction and show the way ahead.
Transformative changes are called for to prevent climate breakdown and create the conditions for people to thrive together. These types of large scale, rapid changes can seem difficult to achieve but through our storytelling, we aim to show that this type of rapid transition is not only possible but has also been done before in many different ways.
The Reset series explores the lessons from the global pandemic on two vital areas for rapid transition: overconsumption and unnecessary travel. Our set of downloadable short briefings focus on the period we are living through for scalable, rapid change – evidence-based hope for the future.
Find out moreStory of change
Clearing city air: the death of diesel & the distance still to travelMany people can conjure images of London during the Great Smog of 1952. Black and white photographs of double decker buses with lights on full beam, barely...
Story of change
Turning the tide of water privatization – the rise of the new municipal movementPeople around the world are reclaiming their access to water as a basic human right, by seizing control of their water supplies from private companies. This...
Story of change
The World’s first renewable island – when a community embraces wind powerThe Danish island of Samsø went from being entirely fossil fuel dependent to becoming the World’s first 100% renewable island, in under a decade. In...
Story of change
The New Deal and a Green New Deal – turning economic and environmental disasters into an opportunity for national, public renewalA proposal for a Green New Deal from the dynamic new Democratic representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has become a rallying point for progressive politics...
Story of change
Make do and mend: the rise of repair cafesThe relationship with ‘stuff’ in high-consuming, wealthy economies is set to change. From the European Union to the United States new laws are being...
Story of change
From financial exclusion to financial revolution: the story of mobile moneyUpdate Since publishing this story of change, we have seen an interesting critique of the original paper that underpins much of the narrative, ‘The...
Story of change
The rise of the rights of natureA global movement to give nature rights is growing in the face of a mass extinction event driven by climate change and human over-use of the natural...
Story of change
Local, civic action is growing a climate revolution from belowIn the yawning gap between national action and what is needed to stop climate breakdown, a rapid rise of local and city level activism is growing a...
Story of change
A kiss of life for climate action: the rapid growth of youth protestA global youth movement to force government action on climate change has brought 1.4 million children and young people out on strike and created a dilemma...