A pocket book of hopeWe are delighted to share with you our pocket book of evidence-based hope. It is packed full of examples of how rapid transition has happened in the past and how it can inspire climate action in...
Rapid economic transition, including widespread behaviour change to sustainable lifestyles, is necessary to live within planetary ecological boundaries and to limit global warming to below 1.5 degrees. Find out more
A new report from Badvertising and New Weather Sweden identifies a minimum of 107 high carbon sponsorship deals within winter sports, despite its increasing vulnerability to climate change and rising global temperatures.
Download the reportA new report links changes in fashion lifestyles to measurable impacts on climate change, in line with the aspirational target of the Paris Agreement to keep the average global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees Celsius.
Access the reportThe Reset series explores the lessons from the global pandemic on two vital areas for rapid transition: over consumption and unnecessary travel. Our set of downloadable short briefings focus on the period we are living through for scalable, rapid change – evidence-based hope for the future.
Find out moreResource
A pocket book of hopeWe are delighted to share with you our pocket book of evidence-based hope. It is packed full of examples of how rapid transition has happened in the past and how it can inspire climate action in...
Story of change
Charged up: breakthroughs in battery technology are rapidly draining demand for fossil fuelsAt the outset of the millennium, evidence-based hope for a rapid energy transition was consistently challenged by the critical matter of storage. Generating...
Story of change
Giving rivers rights: a rapid solution to pollution?In March 2023, councillors in the picturesque town of Lewes in the south east of England successfully passed a motion that recognises the legal rights of...
Story of change
London’s ‘Great Stink’ of 1858: how a rapid policy response stopped the stenchIn 2022 raw human waste was pumped into the United Kingdom’s rivers and seas 825 times per day on average. Modern Britain has a big, steaming sewage...
New Badvertising book out nowCommentary
Community seed banks revive diversity in India’s Kolli HillsCommentary
Climate Action – A View From EssexResource
Lessons from Lockdown: Looking after each other betterThe way in which individuals, organisations and governments responded to benefit the wider community points the way toward a world where this way of...
Lessons from Lockdown: Living with less stuffDuring lockdown many people have adapted to create new, different, ways of living that turned out to be less wasteful, more thoughtful and kinder on our...
Lessons from Lockdown: More space for people and natureResponses to the coronavirus pandemic showed that we can quickly make more space for people and nature in our towns and cities. This briefing on lessons...
We worked with Tamarack Media to produce this video for BBC Ideas.